
6th International Fair of Railway Equipment and Technologies EXPO 1520

From August 30 to September 2 during the 6th International Fair of Railway Equipment and Technologies EXPO 1520 the PTK Group will present the ballast cleaning machine BCM-2000, which is a unique domestic development that surpasses all world analogues.

BCM-2000 is part of the multipurpose track complex for ballast section developed by the PTK Group as a highly mechanized machine for cleaning of breakstone ballast from contamination. One of the unique features of this machine is its versatility, that is, the ability to operate as a single complex with maximum performance, and each section separately for solving local problems.

On August 31 at 11:00 in Pavilion 2 at the exhibition stand BO6/2 a presentation be held, during which Svyatoslav Afanasyev will talk about innovative Russian track repair technologies developed by the specialists of the PTK Group.

2017-08-29 12:00