PTK Group took part in the VI International Fair of Railway Equipment and Technologies "EXPO 1520».
From August 30 to September 2, 2017, the PTK Group took an active part in the VI International Fair of Railway Equipment and Technologies "EXPO 1520", which took place in Scherbinka (Moscow region).For the first time within the framework of the popular industry fair, the PTK Group was presented as a multi-purpose engineering holding specialising in the development of new technologies for railway track repairing, infrastructure constructing and operating track equipment. In addition, the PTK Group presented at the exhibition a unique ballast cleaning machine BCM-2000, intended for servicing railways using modern innovative technologies.
On the first day of the fair EXPO 1520, a delegation of JSC «Russian Railways» got acquainted with the novelty - BCM-2000 on the railroad track of the demonstration area. During the inspection, JSC «Russian Railways» President Oleg Belozerov noted that the use of efficient new technologies and track equipment is one of the priorities for the infrastructure owner, but the developer and the manufacturer must bear responsibility for the reliable and efficient operation of the machines. "We are fully prepared for this approach," said Alexander Silkin, CEO of PTK Group, "since we have already worked it out during the operation of track equipment within the framework of outsourcing."

The fact that the PTK Group today offers not only new track machines but also a whole multipurpose track complex that allows introducing innovative technologies for repairing the track and achieving a significant economic effect for the customer was emphasised at the exhibition. Numerous visitors of the PTK Group's stand were acquainted with interactive presentations of new technologies with great interest, and the developments were represented by the development director of the company Svyatoslav Afanasiev. Visitors of the PTK Group stand also had the opportunity to watch a specially created film about the company and its activities, unique specialists, relevant developments and future plans.
The result of the four-day work of the PTK Group at EXPO1520 became the acquaintances with potential customers and very real prospects for cooperation - both with them and with existing customers. In addition, the PTK Group received the certificate of honour for the best multimedia stand.

On the last day of the salon, the PTK Group together with its organiser, the Business Dialogue Company, held a charity event for the children from the Tula Social and Rehabilitation Centre for Minor Children. The guests were shown a specially prepared presentation, where in an understandable and accessible form was told about the work of the railways and repair of tracks. Little listeners actively asked questions, including how to become a railway worker in the future. The communication of the specialists of the PTK Group with the children turned into a merry holiday, where the children could not only learn a lot of new and useful things, but also receive gifts, as well as enjoy the food prepared for them.