
Delegation of LLP Temirzhol Zhondeu

From May 27 to May 29, our team hosted a delegation of LLP Temirzhol Zhondeu represented by the Director of Construction and Repair of railway roads Akparov K. and the Chief Engineer of the PMS "Astana" Shapovalov I.

For two days, while working at the traffic blocks, the Service Director of the PTK Group, Popov E., familiarized the guests with the machines produced by JSC "Tulazheldormash" - SHOM-2000 and VPO-S.

The SCHOM-2000 ballast cleaning machine impressed the representatives of the delegation with its performance. It is worth noting that recently SCHOM-2000 set a record as "the highest productivity of a ballast cleaning machine in Russia" with the result: productivity - 2196 m3/h, speed - 765 m / h.

The specialists also highly appreciated the modern multifunctional VPO-S machine, which in turn combines the functions of VPO-3000, ELB, PRB, USP and, importantly, is self-propelled, which eliminates the need to use a locomotive.

During the visit, the guests were also able to get acquainted with the production enterprise of JSC "Tulazheldormash" in Tula. Guests with the executive director of the factory, Dremov P., visited the modern production workshops of the factory and the exposition of the historical museum.

As a result of the meeting, the interest of foreign partners in the high-tech products of the PTK Group was confirmed and agreements were reached on continuing cooperation.